Sunday, January 16, 2011

Must Know Tips for Skiers and Snowboarders

Few things can compare to gliding on pristine snow on a beautiful sunny day. It's difficult to duplicate that feeling. It's true, we are passionate about our skiis and snowboards. Of course we always want ourselves and our buddies to return safely after a day out in the mountains. This is the reason it's so important to us to share this information with you and your ski enthusiasts.

Reading your route by looking for tell-tale signs of past events is an important skill to learn. You always hear about the huge avalanches on the news. The news stories do a good job of showing how devastating and unforgiving this natural disaster can be. What you may not realize is that a small avalanche can kill you just as quickly as a big one. Reading your small routes is more about experience than anything else. It's also not the easiest skill to acquire either, but it's not something you should ignore at all. What you need to do is study the often hard to detect variations in the terrain. You can often spot potential hazards as well as recognize signs of past damage to trees, etc. Don't overlook the importance of your bindings and ispecting and maintaining them regularly. Have them checked by a pro. It's important to remember that your weight, height and skill level be considered in adjusting your bindings. Obviously, bindings are important when you're skiing and moving, but did you know they need to properly release during a fall? Proper maintenance of your bindings is necessary and should include inspection, adjustment and cleaning regularly before the season and during the season too.

You should also consider a quick release system for your snowboard. It does require some slight modification to your plate bindings, but it's minimal. Many snowboarders highly recommend making the modifications for various reasons. Jettisoning your board can be your only option is some situations. The modifications themselves aren't difficult and you should be able to easily find the plans. Plus, you could probably find a board shop and see if they'll do it for you. There is a wide variety of safety devices and systems available for avid skiers and snowboarders. While it's probably not necessary to go to the extreme, we believe sound knowledge of the potential hazards as well as how to deal with the local terrain is valuable. Remember, if you'll be traveling to an unfamiliar location, then we very strongly suggest you do research and reading from credible sources about the area. You can also find local ski and snowboard shops in the area where you can stop and get additional information.

This incredibly talented author offers insightful articles about How To Snowboard For Beginners and even on How To Snowboard For Beginners

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